
Denis S. Loubach, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Systems
Computer Science Division - IEC
Aeronautics Institute of Technology - ITA

dloubach {at} ita {dot} br
ORCID 0000-0003-1595-3448

» Visiting scholar at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (May, 2016 and Nov, 2018)
» Member of the DroneComp Research Group (2021-)
» Member of the Advanced Computing, Control & Embedded Systems Laboratory @ UNICAMP (2014-2021)

PhD in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, ITA (2012)
MSc in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, ITA (2007)
BSc in Computer Engineering, UMC (2004)

Industry Experience
I had the opportunity to work as development engineer in the aeronautical industry (i.e., Embraer, Mectron) for a couple of years. I was involved in activities such as real-time embedded and complex systems conception, development and integration in the aircraft.

Research Interests
Main research interests are:

Current Teaching

Previous Teaching

Honors, Awards and Grants



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