Videos of ArgoUML


Video 1 - This video shows a prototype of a collaborative ArgoUML

Video 2 - In this video the collaboration server will be showed.

Video 3 - In this video we will see how to connect to the Collaboration Server

Video 4 - This video show a second user connecting with a existing session.

Video 5 - This video shows the telepointer in the tool. In the new version the telepointer is very more fast than in this video

Video 6 - This video shows the chat tool in ArgoUML

Video 7 - This video show the creation of elements during a collaboration session.

Video 8 - This video show the simple lock of elements during a collaborative session

Video 9 - This video show the change of properties during a collaborative session

Video 10 - This video show the lock levels of the tool during a colaborative session

Video 11 - This video show how to remove elements during a collaborative session